Baroni Rotti
36 images Created 28 Jun 2010
We Fly l'unica pattuglia al mondo su ultraleggeri composta da piloti disabili. Nata nel 2005 da Alessandro Paleri e Fulvio Gamba per dimostrare, dalla loro sedia a rotelle, che non esisitono ostacoli di fronte alla tenacia di voler raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati
Baroni Rotti as wonderful and intelligent handicap people, that joke around the name using an italian game word: from Baroni Rossi (Red Barons) to Baroni Rotti (Broken Barons). They are the only flying team on microlight composed by disabled pilots in the world. Born in 2005 from wonderful idea of Alessandro Paleri e Fulvio Gamba to demonstrate, from their wheelchairs, that no obstacles exist when you have the tenacy to achive our personal targets.
Baroni Rotti as wonderful and intelligent handicap people, that joke around the name using an italian game word: from Baroni Rossi (Red Barons) to Baroni Rotti (Broken Barons). They are the only flying team on microlight composed by disabled pilots in the world. Born in 2005 from wonderful idea of Alessandro Paleri e Fulvio Gamba to demonstrate, from their wheelchairs, that no obstacles exist when you have the tenacy to achive our personal targets.